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Atlas Device SDKs

Supported Types - C++ SDK

On this page

  • Property Cheat Sheet
  • Supported Type Implementation Details
  • Map/Dictionary
  • Collection Types
  • Results
  • Set
  • Collections as Properties
  • Collections are Live

The Realm C++ SDK currently supports these property types.

Optionals use the class template std::optional.

You can use the following types to define your object model properties.

To learn how specific data types are mapped to BSON types in an App Services Schema, refer to Data Model Mapping in the Atlas App Services documentation.

bool boolName;
std::optional<bool> optBoolName;
int64_t intName;
std::optional<int64_t> optIntName;
double doubleName;
std::optional<double> optDoubleName;
std::string stringName;
std::optional<std::string> optStringName;
Enum enumName;
std::optional<Enum> optEnumName;
Binary Data
std::vector<std::uint8_t> binaryDataName;
std::optional<std::vector<std::uint8_t>> optBinaryDataName;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> dateName;
std::optional<std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock>> optDateName;
realm::decimal128 decimal128Name;
std::optional<realm::decimal128> optDecimal128Name;
realm::uuid uuidName;
std::optional<realm::uuid> optUuidName;
Object ID
realm::object_id objectIdName;
std::optional<realm::object_id> optObjectIdName;
Mixed Data Type
realm::mixed mixedName;
std::map<std::string, SomeType> mapName;
std::vector<SomeType> listTypeName;
std::set<SomeType> setTypeName;
User-defined Object
MyClass* opt_obj_name;
User-defined Embedded Object
MyEmbeddedClass* opt_embedded_object_name;

Some of the supported types above are aliases for:

  • mixed: A union-like object that can represent a value any of the supported types. It is implemented using the class template std::variant. This implementation means that a mixed property holds a value of one of its alternative types, or in the case of error - no value.

  • For dates, use the chrono library to store a time_point relative to the system_clock: <std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock>>

The Map is an associative array that contains key-value pairs with unique keys.

You can declare a Map as a property of an object:

namespace realm {
struct Dog {
std::string name;
std::map<std::string, std::string> favoriteParkByCity;
REALM_SCHEMA(Dog, name, favoriteParkByCity)
} // namespace realm

String is the only supported type for a map key, but map values can be:

  • Required versions of any of the SDK's supported data types

  • Optional user-defined object links

  • Optional embedded objects

Realm disallows the use of . or $ characters in map keys. You can use percent encoding and decoding to store a map key that contains one of these disallowed characters.

// Percent encode . or $ characters to use them in map keys
auto mapKey = "Monday.Morning";
auto encodedMapKey = "Monday%2EMorning";

Realm has several types to represent groups of objects, which we call collections. A collection is an object that contains zero or more instances of one Realm type. Realm collections are homogenous: all objects in a collection are of the same type.

You can filter and sort any collection using Realm's query engine. Collections are live, so they always reflect the current state of the realm instance on the current thread. You can also listen for changes in the collection by subscribing to collection notifications.

The C++ SDK Results collection is a type representing objects retrieved from queries. A Results collection represents the lazily-evaluated results of a query operation. Results are immutable: you cannot add or remove elements to or from the results collection. Results have an associated query that determines their contents.

For more information, refer to the Read documentation.

The C++ SDK set collection represents a to-many relationship containing distinct values. A C++ SDK set supports the following types (and their optional versions):

  • Binary Data

  • Bool

  • Double

  • Date

  • Int64

  • Mixed

  • ObjectId

  • Object

  • String

  • UUID

Like the C++ std::set, the C++ SDK set is a generic type that is parameterized on the type it stores.

You can only call set mutation methods during a write transaction. You can register a change listener on a mutable set.

The C++ SDK also offers several collection types you can use as properties in your data model:

  1. List, a type representing to-many relationships in models.

  2. Set, a type representing to-many relationships in models where values are unique.

  3. linking_objects, a type representing inverse relationships in models.

  4. Map, a type representing an associative array of key-value pairs with unique keys.

Like live objects, Realm collections are usually live:

  • Live results collections always reflect the current results of the associated query.

  • Live lists always reflect the current state of the relationship on the realm instance.

The one case when a collection is not live is when the collection is unmanaged. For example, a List property of a Realm object that has not been added to a realm yet or that has been moved from a realm is not live.

Combined with collection notifications, live collections enable clean, reactive code. For example, suppose your view displays the results of a query. You can keep a reference to the results collection in your view code, then read the results collection as needed without having to refresh it or validate that it is up-to-date.


Results indexes may change

Since results update themselves automatically, do not store the positional index of an object in the collection or the count of objects in a collection. The stored index or count value could be outdated by the time you use it.
