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Define a Realm Object Model - Kotlin SDK

On this page

  • Realm Objects
  • Define a New Object Type
  • Define a Realm Object Type
  • Define an Embedded Object Type
  • Define an Asymmetric Object Type
  • Define Collection Properties
  • Define a RealmList
  • Define a RealmSet
  • Define a RealmDictionary/RealmMap
  • Define Unstructured Data

This page describes Realm object types and how to define Realm objects as part of your application's data model. After you define your object model, you can open a realm with a schema that includes your defined objects and work with them in the realm.

The Kotlin SDK memory maps Realm objects directly to native Kotlin objects, so there's no need to use a special data access library. You define your application's data model via regular Kotlin classes declared in your application code object.

To learn about how to make changes to your Realm objects after defining your Realm object model, refer to Change an Object Model.


Define Data Model with Device Sync

If your app uses Atlas Device Sync, there are additional considerations when defining your data model. For more information, refer to Model Data with Device Sync - Kotlin SDK.

Realm objects are uniquely named instances of Kotlin classes that you can work with as you would any other class instance.

Each object class represents an object type. Objects of the same type share an object schema, which defines the properties and relationships for objects of that type. The SDK guarantees that all objects in a realm conform to the schema for their object type and validates objects whenever they are created, modified, or deleted.

However, note that Realm objects have the following constraints:

  • Realm objects must inherit from the RealmObject class or its subclasses: EmbeddedRealmObject or AsymmetricRealmObject. The Kotlin SDK does not support inheritance from custom base classes.

  • The Kotlin SDK requires that Realm objects have an empty constructor. Refer to the workaround example noted in the next section.

  • Class names are limited to a maximum of 57 UTF-8 characters.

Additionally, the Kotlin SDK does not support using Kotlin data classes to model data. This is because data classes are typically used for immutable data, which goes against how the Realm Kotlin SDK models data.

To define a new object type, you must create a uniquely named Kotlin class that implements either the RealmObject, EmbeddedRealmObject, or AsymmetricRealmObject interface.


Class names are limited to a maximum of 57 UTF-8 characters.

Then, you specify your object's properties, including:

  • The data type for each property. The Kotlin SDK supports the following data types:

  • Any property annotations, which add functionality to properties in your Realm objects. You can use annotations to:

    • Designate a property as a primary key

    • Mark a property as indexable

    • Ignore a property

    • Map a property or class name to another name

  • Any relationships with other Realm objects.

After you've defined your Realm object model, you can pass the set of object classes to the realm's configuration when you open a realm, and then work with those objects in the realm.


Realm Requires an Empty Constructor

The Realm Kotlin SDK does not support having a single primary constructor. The SDK requires an empty constructor to create objects. As a workaround, you can do something similar to the following:

class Person(var name: String, var age: Int): RealmObject {
constructor(): this("", 0) // Empty constructor required by Realm

To define a Realm object type, create a Kotlin class that implements the RealmObject interface:

// Implements the `RealmObject` interface
class Frog : RealmObject { // Empty constructor required by Realm
var _id: ObjectId = ObjectId()
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
var species: String? = null
var owner: String? = null

You can then use the object as a property to define relationships with other Realm objects.

An EmbeddedRealmObject is a special type of Realm object that models complex data about a specific object. Realm treats each embedded object as nested data inside of a single specific parent object.

Because of this, embedded objects have the following constraints:

  • An embedded object requires a parent object and cannot exist as an independent Realm object. If the parent object no longer references the embedded object, the embedded object is automatically deleted.

  • An embedded object inherits the lifecycle of its parent object. For example, if you delete the parent object, the embedded object is also deleted.

  • Embedded objects have strict ownership with their parent object. You cannot reassign an embedded object to a different parent object, or share an embedded object between multiple parent objects.

  • Embedded objects cannot have a primary key.


If you need to manually manage the lifecycle of a referenced object or want the referenced objects to persist after the deletion of the parent object, use a regular Realm object with a to-one relationship instead. For more information, refer to Relationships - Kotlin SDK.

To define an embedded object type, create a Kotlin class that implements the EmbeddedRealmObject interface:

// Implements `EmbeddedRealmObject` interface
class EmbeddedAddress : EmbeddedRealmObject {
// CANNOT have primary key
var street: String? = null
var city: String? = null
var state: String? = null
var postalCode: String? = null
var propertyOwner: Contact? = null

Embedded object types are reusable and composable. You can use the same embedded object type in multiple parent object types inside other embedded object types.

After you define your embedded object type, you must define a relationship with a parent object in your data model. To learn how, refer to Define an Embedded Object.

New in version 1.10.0.

An AsymmetricRealmObject is an insert-only object intended to be used with the Atlas Device Sync feature Data Ingest. For information on how to set up Data Ingest with your application, refer to Stream Data to Atlas - Kotlin SDK.

Asymmetric objects broadly support the same property types as RealmObject, with a few exceptions:

  • Asymmetric objects can only be used in synced realms configured with Flexible Sync. However, you cannot create subscriptions to asymmetric objects.

  • An AsymmetricRealmObject can contain EmbeddedRealmObject types, but cannot contain RealmObject types or other AsymmetricRealmObject types.

  • AsymmetricRealmObject types cannot be used as properties in other Realm objects.

Additionally, asymmetric objects do not function in the same way as other Realm objects. You cannot add, read, update, or delete an asymmetric object from the realm. You can only create an asymmetric object, which then syncs unidirectionally to the Atlas database linked to your App with Device Sync. Realm then deletes this object after syncing.

To define an asymmetric object type, create a Kotlin class that implements the AsymmetricRealmObject interface:

// Implements the `AsymmetricRealmObject` interface
class WeatherSensor : AsymmetricRealmObject {
var id: ObjectId = ObjectId()
var deviceId: String = ""
var temperatureInFarenheit: Float = 0.0F
var barometricPressureInHg: Float = 0.0F
var windSpeedInMph: Int = 0

In Kotlin SDK versions 1.11.1 and earlier, you cannot link from AsymmetricRealmObject types to RealmObject types. In SDK versions 1.12.0 and later, AsymmetricRealmObject types can link to RealmObject types in addition to EmbeddedRealmObject types.

A collection is an object that contains zero or more instances of a supported data type. Realm collections are homogenous (all objects in a collection are of the same type) and are backed by their corresponding built-in Kotlin classes. For more information on the collection types used in the Kotlin SDK and their supported data types, refer to Collection Types.

The Kotlin SDK offers several collection types that you can use as properties in your data model: RealmList, RealmSet, and RealmDictionary.

Collections also let you define to-many relationships between Realm objects. Refer to Relationships - Kotlin SDK for more information.


Initialize Collection Properties

Collection types are non-null. When you define a collection property, you must initialize it.

To define a property as a RealmList, specify its type within the object schema as RealmList<E> and initialize the default value using realmListOf():

// RealmList<E> can be any supported primitive
// or BSON type, a RealmObject, or an EmbeddedRealmObject
class Frog : RealmObject {
var _id: ObjectId = ObjectId()
var name: String = ""
// List of RealmObject type (CANNOT be nullable)
var favoritePonds: RealmList<Pond> = realmListOf()
// List of EmbeddedRealmObject type (CANNOT be nullable)
var favoriteForests: RealmList<EmbeddedForest> = realmListOf()
// List of primitive type (can be nullable)
var favoriteWeather: RealmList<String?> = realmListOf()
class Pond : RealmObject {
var _id: ObjectId = ObjectId()
var name: String = ""

To define a property as a RealmSet, specify its type within the object schema as RealmSet<E> and initialize the default value using realmSetOf():

// RealmSet<E> can be any supported primitive or
// BSON type or a RealmObject
class Frog : RealmObject {
var _id: ObjectId = ObjectId()
var name: String = ""
// Set of RealmObject type (CANNOT be nullable)
var favoriteSnacks: RealmSet<Snack> = realmSetOf()
// Set of primitive type (can be nullable)
var favoriteWeather: RealmSet<String?> = realmSetOf()
class Snack : RealmObject {
var _id: ObjectId = ObjectId()
var name: String = ""

To define a property as a RealmDictionary, specify its type within the object schema as a RealmDictionary<K, V> and initialize the the default value using realmDictionaryOf():

// RealmDictionary<K, V> can be any supported
// primitive or BSON types, a RealmObject, or
// an EmbeddedRealmObject
class Frog : RealmObject {
var _id: ObjectId = ObjectId()
var name: String = ""
// Dictionary of RealmObject type (value MUST be nullable)
var favoriteFriendsByPond: RealmDictionary<Frog?> = realmDictionaryOf()
// Dictionary of EmbeddedRealmObject type (value MUST be nullable)
var favoriteTreesInForest: RealmDictionary<EmbeddedForest?> = realmDictionaryOf()
// Dictionary of primitive type (value can be nullable)
var favoritePondsByForest: RealmDictionary<String?> = realmDictionaryOf()

Realm disallows the use of . or $ characters in map keys. You can use percent encoding and decoding to store a map key that contains one of these disallowed characters.

// Percent encode . or $ characters to use them in map keys
val mapKey = "Hundred Acre Wood.Northeast"
val encodedMapKey = "Hundred Acre Wood%2ENortheast"

New in version 2.0.0.

Starting in Kotlin SDK version 2.0.0, you can store collections of mixed data within a RealmAny property. You can use this feature to model complex data structures, such as JSON or MongoDB documents, without having to define a strict data model.

Unstructured data is data that doesn't easily conform to an expected schema, making it difficult or impractical to model to individual data classes. For example, your app might have highly variable data or dynamic data whose structure is unknown at runtime.

Storing collections in a mixed property offers flexibility without sacrificing functionality, including performant synchronization when using Device Sync. And you can work with them the same way you would a non-mixed collection:

  • You can nest mixed collections up to 100 levels.

  • You can query on and react to changes on mixed collections.

  • You can find and update individual mixed collection elements.

However, storing data in mixed collections is less performant than using a structured schema or serializing JSON blobs into a single string property.

To model unstructured data in your app, define the appropriate properties in your schema as RealmAny types. You can then set these RealmAny properties as a RealmList or a RealmDictionary collection of RealmAny elements. Note that RealmAny cannot represent a RealmSet or an embedded object.


  • Use a map of mixed data types when the type is unknown but each value will have a unique identifier.

  • Use a list of mixed data types when the type is unknown but the order of objects is meaningful.
